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Northridge Driveway Shooting: Harrowing Eyewitness Account Reveals Details



A harrowing incident unfolded in Northridge as a man found himself at the center of a targeted shooting in his own driveway. The episode transpired at a residence on the 9600 block of Texhoma Avenue, roughly around 6:30 p.m. on a recent Friday evening.

The man, preferring to remain anonymous, had returned home and was greeted with an unsettling sight: an unfamiliar brown Kia sedan stationed awkwardly far from the curb near his neighbor’s home. As he veered into his circular driveway, the car began to ominously approach his residence.

“I noticed a suspicious vehicle parked in front of our neighbor’s house, parked pretty far away from the curb, so it was very unusual to see a vehicle parked that way,” the man said.

As he was about to exit his vehicle, the suspicious car came to a halt in front of his house. It was at this point that a hooded figure emerged from the backseat of the Kia armed with a firearm.

“A gentleman jumped out from the backseat wearing a hoodie and a bandana,” he remembered. “I just saw him lift up and point a black handgun with a long silencer in the front. So I closed my door right away and hit the gas and jumped the curb.”

His home security system captured the ensuing high-speed escape, the gunshots echoing through the neighborhood as the tires screeched against the pavement. The masked gunman continued to take aim at the man’s fleeing car.

As if the situation wasn’t worrying enough, the man’s main concern was his two children who were home at the time. To lure the attackers away from his home, he began to speed up. Despite the risks, this seemed to work as the assailants began to follow him.

He shared a grim tally of the damage inflicted: “One of the bullets hit the back of my car, the second hit the tree in front of my house, the third hit the neighbor’s upstairs bedroom window.”

Upon reflecting on the incident, he believes that he was specifically targeted by his attackers. “The way they were casing out the house, the way they pulled up, the way they got out of the car,” he recalled. “They attempted to shoot at me as I was driving away and then they attempted to follow me. Thank God I was able to drive fast and get away and contact the police.”

The local law enforcement arrived quickly after, securing the property. In the concluding moments of the recorded footage, the man’s son is seen stepping out of the front door, searching for his father.

“That’s when he saw the man running after my car and shooting in the middle of the street,” he said. “Naturally, my kids are terrified they had to witness this. My wife, she’s very distraught. It’s a very unsafe situation. It’s very unnerving.”

In light of the recent event in Northridge where a man was shot at by a gunman as he arrived home, which areas do you believe should be given more focus to enhance personal safety and decrease such attacks?

Watch a local news report about the incident below:

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. Daniel Quigley

    May 29, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    Does anyone know why this man was targeted? Hopefully someone’s home has a video surveillance system that caught the license plate and Hopefully the Criminals used their own and not a stolen vehicle or plate. Thankfully no one was injured in this criminal act.

  2. Michael Graham

    May 29, 2024 at 2:34 pm

    What is “Enhancing legal processes to ensure faster response to violent crime incidents”?
    Do you folks believe that some how some way the Police are going to miraculously appear at a crime scene in time to prevent a crime that HASN’T YET OCCURED? If this “victim” had been armed there might not have been a problem. And maybe one less armed bad guy on the streets. But, like M. Quigley questions, does anyone KNOW why this man was targeted?

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Good Samaritan Saves Trooper in Harrowing Interstate Confrontation



A recent incident on Interstate 49 in Rogers, Arkansas, has brought to light the dangers faced by state troopers and the critical role of Good Samaritans. On July 27, 26-year-old Guatemalan national Angel Zapet-Alvarado was recorded on dashcam video resisting arrest after being pulled over for driving at a staggering 114 miles per hour in heavy traffic.

Arkansas State Police released the dashcam footage on Wednesday, showing the tense moments that unfolded when Trooper Alexandria Duncan attempted to stop Zapet-Alvarado. Despite her emergency lights and sirens, he initially refused to pull over.

After finally stopping on the highway shoulder, Zapet-Alvarado continued to defy Duncan’s commands. Duncan observed his hand on the gearshift and took his keys to prevent him from fleeing. However, he resisted exiting the vehicle, prompting Duncan to deploy her taser.

The dashcam video captures Zapet-Alvarado’s persistent refusal to comply with Duncan’s orders to roll over and put his hands behind his back. In response, Duncan triggered the taser multiple times, causing Zapet-Alvarado to cry out in pain.

At one point, Zapet-Alvarado managed to wrestle the taser from Duncan and threw it into interstate traffic. He then escalated the confrontation by kicking Duncan’s head multiple times.

Amid the struggle, 31-year-old Kylie Sutton, a Good Samaritan, rushed to assist Duncan. Upon noticing Sutton, Duncan instructed her to retrieve the taser, which Sutton did. However, Zapet-Alvarado managed to get on top of Duncan.

Sutton intervened by grabbing Zapet-Alvarado from behind and moving him to the ground. Duncan then instructed Sutton to step back and warned Zapet-Alvarado that she would shoot if he continued to resist. When he did not comply, Duncan fired a single round, wounding him in the right temple.

Despite his injury, Zapet-Alvarado continued to resist arrest until another state trooper arrived to assist Duncan. Zapet-Alvarado was then transported to Mercy Hospital Northwest Arkansas for treatment before being released to law enforcement.

Toxicology reports revealed that Zapet-Alvarado’s blood-alcohol level was .16, twice the legal limit, and that cannabinoids were present in his system. He was subsequently taken to the Benton County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center and placed on hold for a Homeland Security Investigation.

Trooper Duncan sustained non-life-threatening injuries during the altercation and received medical treatment. The state police Criminal Investigation Division reviewed the case, and Benton County Prosecutor Joshua Robinson confirmed that Duncan’s use of deadly force was consistent with Arkansas law.

Col. Mike Hagar expressed his support for Trooper Duncan, stating, “I wholeheartedly support Trooper Duncan. We tell our troopers to trust their instincts and lean into their experience and training when they’re on the highways. Anyone who has walked in a trooper’s boots knows that trusting your gut keeps you safe so that you can protect and serve the public. In our world, hesitation can get you killed.”

Hagar also praised the bravery of both Duncan and Sutton, adding, “I thank God that he gave Alex the strength to survive that encounter, and that he put Kylie by her side when she needed support the most. I’m so proud of them both.”

This incident underscores the unpredictable and perilous nature of law enforcement duties and highlights the importance of community support in ensuring the safety of officers and the public.

How should citizens respond when witnessing a law enforcement officer in a physical altercation?

Watch footage of the incident below:

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Robot Heroics: Texas Standoff Ends with High-Tech Takedown



There’s a new high-tech hero in the realm of law enforcement. A police bomb squad robot recently played a pivotal role in subduing an armed suspect during a tense standoff in Texas.

The incident involved 39-year-old Felix Delarosa, who had a warrant out for his arrest due to a parole violation. According to KCBD, Delarosa had tampered with his electronic monitoring device.

Around 10 a.m. on a Wednesday, members of the Texas Anti-Gang unit located Delarosa at a Days Inn hotel in Lubbock. When officers attempted to approach him, Delarosa, who was armed, fired a shot from inside his hotel room.

In response, the officers called in the Lubbock County Sheriff’s SWAT team for assistance.

Negotiations with Delarosa proved challenging as he fired additional shots while barricaded in his room. Amid the exchange, the room’s large glass window was shattered.

To mitigate further risk to law enforcement, the Lubbock Regional Bomb Squad deployed a robot to handle the situation. The robot approached Delarosa’s hotel room, and the suspect attempted to disable it by throwing a bed sheet over it, which proved ineffective.

The robot advanced towards the broken window, prompting Delarosa to shoot at it. In a tactical move, the robot retaliated by deploying tear gas into the room.

Footage shows Delarosa crawling out of the room, visibly disoriented from the tear gas.

As he struggled on the ground, the robot maneuvered on top of him, pinning him down. During this action, the robot’s wheels inadvertently pulled down the suspect’s pants.

SWAT team members then swiftly moved in and apprehended Delarosa, concluding the two-hour standoff.

Following his capture, Delarosa was transported to University Medical Center for treatment of his injuries before being booked into the Lubbock County Detention Center.

He now faces charges of aggravated assault against a public servant.

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice noted that Delarosa had previously been sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2017 for manufacturing and delivering a controlled substance. He was released on parole in April 2022.

This incident demonstrates the growing role of technology in law enforcement, showcasing how robotic assistance can effectively and safely manage high-risk situations.

How do you feel about the use of advanced technology, such as bomb squad robots, in law enforcement situations involving armed suspects?

Watch a video about the incident below:

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Self-Defense Ruling in Detroit Tailgate Shooting Sparks Controversy



A concealed carrier involved in a fatal incident at a Detroit Lions tailgate won’t face charges, as the Wayne County Prosecutor has declared the shooting an act of self-defense. The incident, which took place at the Eastern Market, was captured on cellphone video and involved a confrontation that escalated quickly.

Jalen Welch, the assailant, allegedly pulled a gun and threatened a 40-year-old man, who is a legal concealed pistol owner. In response, the 40-year-old fired a single shot that struck Welch in the head, fatally wounding him.

Tragically, the same bullet also hit an innocent bystander, RayShawn Palmer, who was also killed.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy stated, “In this case, the shooter was not involved with the physical altercation, or any crime, when Mr. Welch pulled out his weapon and threatened him with deadly force.”

“It is only then that the shooter drew his weapon and fired one-time striking Mr. Welch, and unfortunately striking Mr. Palmer,” Worthy added. “A thorough review of the facts and evidence shows that the shooter acted in lawful self-defense. The shooting was justified. There is insufficient evidence to charge the shooter with any crime.”

The shooter’s attorney expressed relief over the decision.

“My client is very pleased he is not being charged with a crime; it was agonizing sitting in jail for three days awaiting the decision,” the attorney told WJBK-TV.

“He is dealing with a lot of emotions. He feels terrible for the family of the bystander and wishes to extend his condolences, but he is grateful to return to his family. His right to exercise to protect his life and others is absolute. He did nothing to forfeit that right.”

Despite the ruling, Palmer’s family is devastated and angry that no charges are being filed against the shooter.

“This is unbelievable that an individual shoots someone — even though he had a CPL — in an environment like this,” said Jermaine Little, Palmer’s brother. “It could have been a 5-year-old. Unfortunately, it was my brother, and so my whole family is here. We are grieving. We are hurt, and we want some answers.”

Little continued, “Our brother’s gone. This is an individual that wanted to give back, did give back, loved his family, was not a violent person, loved to dance. Just wanted to entertain and for this to happen, for trying to stop something that was happening, it’s unacceptable.”

Palmer’s family has vowed to challenge the no-charges ruling.

“We’re not going to give up,” Little noted. “If we got to get out here every day, if we got to post things, if we got to march — whatever we got to do. We just want some answers. Give us some answers.”

This incident highlights the complexities and emotional toll of self-defense cases, especially when innocent lives are lost.

What is your primary concern regarding incidents involving concealed carry and self-defense?

Watch a local news report about the incident below:

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