In a harrowing encounter with a bear, Melinda LeBarron, a 51-year-old food prepper from rural Pennsylvania, managed to survive by fighting back and seeking refuge in...
A visitor to the Orlando Wetlands Park recently captured a series of unusual images showing an adult alligator seemingly consuming a smaller reptile. Barbara D’Angelo, a...
In the bustling city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a large crowd gathered last week to celebrate the Second Amendment and to hear from former President Trump at...
Kris Harbour, a 36-year-old former city engineer, traded the bustling streets of London for the serene landscapes of South Wales, building a sustainable hobbit-style home from...
In a remarkable testament to human resilience, four indigenous children from the Huioto community in Colombia were rescued after spending forty days in the inhospitable Amazon...
Choosing to live off-grid is a decision that comes with many motivations. Some individuals are driven by a desire to reduce their environmental footprint, while others...
In the heart of the Colorado wilderness, a family’s pursuit of an off-the-grid lifestyle ended in tragedy. Their story serves as a stark reminder of the...
Nestled deep within the Black Hills mountain range of South Dakota, a former army base stretches across 18 miles, now transformed into a community of livable...
Josh Duhamel, renowned for his roles in “Transformers” and the TV show “Las Vegas,” has recently shared his journey towards becoming a doomsday prepper. The actor...
In the closing month of 2023, WIRED unveiled that Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire mastermind behind Meta and a key player in our social media-centric society, has...